Code of Conduct

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Enacted on 19 January 2012.

This Code of Conduct facilitates Family History Information Standards Organisation’s work carried out in an international, multi-stakeholder environment. All members of the organisation agree to abide by the Code.

01: We agree to work for the net benefit of the international community

We recognise that the development of standards is for the net benefit of the international community, over and above the interests of any individual or organisation. We are committed to advancing standards within their agreed scope and we will not hinder their development.

02: We support the consensus–building process

We agree that consensus refers to general agreement among stakeholders after thoughtful collaboration has addressed material objections to significant requirements. We acknowledge that consensus does not imply unanimity and need not always be the result of a formal vote. We support the consensus building-process, and its various phases of collaboration by which we identify stakeholder requirements and objections, and allow for the development of a consensus among the stakeholders.

03: We agree to uphold consensus and governance

We will uphold the key principles of standardisation: consensus, transparency, openness, impartiality, effectiveness, relevance and coherence.

04: We agree to maintain a clear purpose and scope

We are committed to having a clear purpose, scope, objectives, and plan to ensure the timely development of standards.

05: We agree to participate actively and manage effective representation

We agree to actively participate in standards development projects. We will make our direct contributions to the work through the official procedures.

06: We agree to escalate and resolve disputes

We will identify and escalate disputes in a timely manner to ensure rapid resolution. We will uphold the agreed dispute resolution processes.

07: We agree to behave ethically

We will act in good faith and with due care and diligence. We will avoid collusive or anticompetitive behaviour. We will promote a culture of fair and ethical behaviour.

08: We agree to respect others in our meetings

We are committed to respecting others and the professional culture of international standardization within FHISO. In meetings we are committed to:

  • conducting meetings by means of electronic communications connections or other technology to avoid discriminating against those not present in the same location.
  • avoiding discrimination against those whose first language is not that in which the meeting is conducted, including that we will providing notice and advance distribution of meeting materials (agendas, proposals, exhibits, prepared remarks).
  • conducting ourselves in a professional manner.
  • respecting others and their opinions.
  • accepting group decisions.
  • ensuring the views of all (including those whose first language is not that of the meeting) are heard and understood.

In accordance with the FHISO by-laws, this Code of Conduct may be modified by the FHISO Board from time to time. In part, the FHISO Code was developed, with permission, from the ISO Code of Conduct for the technical work, dated 24 July 2011. The ISO Code of Conduct remains subject to ISO’s copyright.